Feast of the Holy Name of Jesus

Additional Memorials

• 14 January (Franciscans, Carmelites, Augustinians)
• 15 January (Dominicans)
• 1 January (Eastern Churches; Lutheran)
• 7 August (Anglican)


A remembrance and celebration of the conferral of the Holy Name of Jesus. It is celebrated on 3 January. A separate votive Mass under this title is found in the revised Roman Missal, and may be used for an annual celebration (e.g. titular of a Church), or as an expression of devotion which is part of the tradition and spirituality of a religious order. It was formerly listed as the Sunday between 1 and 6 January, if one occurs. Instituted in the 15th century by the bishops of Germany, Scotland, England, and Belgium. It was extended to the universal Church in 1721. There is a commemoration in the Mass of the Octave of Saint Stephen if the feast is kept on the second, of Saint John on the third, and of the Holy Innocents on the fourth of January.


• Raleigh, North Carolina, diocese of
• Pratovecchio, Italy


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O God, who hast caused the most glorious name of thine only-begotten Son our Lord Jesus Christ to be loved by thy faithful people with the greatest affection ; and hast made it to all evil spirits a source of terror and dismay : grant that all those who devoutly venerate this holy name of Jesus here on earth may in this present life enjoy therefrom the sweetness of holy consolation, and in the life to come may obtain the joy of never-ending gladness. – Sarum Missal

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